Plants for testing are assessed in aphid-proof
glasshouses for the following pathogens, prior to long term
maintenance in a glasshouse under ‘high health’
conditions where plants are regularly re-checked for these
Viruses detectable by mechanical inoculation of sap to
test plants, including: Alfalfa mosaic virus, Arabis mosaic
virus, Cucumber mosaic virus, Raspberry ringspot virus,
Strawberry latent ringspot virus, Tomato black ring virus,
Tomato ringspot virus, Tobacco ringspot virus and Tobacco
rattle virus.
Viruses detectable by graft inoculation, including
(a) Gooseberry vein banding as assessed by graft-inoculation
tests to hybrid Ribes selection B1385/81 (VBI), (b)
Blackcurrant reversion virus as assessed by graft-inoculation
to Baldwin blackcurrant.
Symptoms of: Blackcurrant reversion, Blackcurrant yellows, Gooseberry/Blackcurrant veinbanding, Infectious variegation (gold dust) and Full blossom diseases.